Me noho mōhio mā ngā rongokōrero me ngā pānuitanga hou rawa a te Kooti Whenua Māori.
Aorere – Accretion, determination of status, and ownership of land
This is the narrative of a piece of land in Te Tau Ihu – Aorere. It sets out how Judge Reeves dealt with an application for accretion and for determination of ownership, where ownership records had not been maintained for over 100 years.
Kōrero ki tāku Swearing In
The transcript of Judge Alana Thomas' swearing in speech.
The Adequacy of Laws for the Protection of Indigenous Peoples Cultural Heritage and Customary Rights in New Zealand
Judge Te Kani Williams analyses how New Zealand's laws protect indigenous cultural heritage and customary rights, and poses the question - are they adequate?
Tatūnga tautohenga
Dispute resolutionJudge Aidan Warren discusses the legislative changes that came into effect February 2022.
South Island Landless Natives Act 1906 (SILNA): past, present and future
Judge Reeves expertly discusses the origins of SILNA and the challenges Ngāi Tahu have faced due to the Crown's failure to fulfil its obligations.
The Covid Response
Judge Terena Wara discusses how the Māori Land Court responded to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Abridged Speech for the Māori Graduation Ceremony at Te Herenga Waka Marae
Judge Damian Stone’s speech at Victoria University of Wellington, where he discusses his time at the university, Māori Land Court Judges, and his personal learnings through his career.
LAWASIA and Conference of Chief Justices of Asia and the Pacific
Judge Craig Coxhead discusses his attendance of the 17th Conference of Chief Justices of Asia and the Pacific and 30th Conference of the Law Association for Asia and Pacific, in Tokyo, alongside Chief Judge Isaac and Judge Armstrong.
Swearing in speech
The transcript of Judge Miharo Armstrong’s swearing in speech.
Māori women judges in Aotearoa
Judge Stephanie Milroy discusses the representation of Māori women judges in Aotearoa.
Speech to the Federation of Māori Authorities National Conference
The transcript of Judge Sarah Reeves’ speech to the Federation of Māori Authorities, at the National Conference.
Discussion on the Proposed Review of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993
Former Judge David Ambler discusses the proposed review of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993, with the propositions in detail.