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Kei roto te whenua i te tuakiri o te tangata whenua. Koinei te tūrangawaewae.
Ko Te Kooti Whenua Māori te kooti motuhake tawhito rawa, tino mauroa o Aotearoa. He whakanōhanga ahurei mātou – ko te kooti whenua iwi taketake anake i te ao.
Kei roto i te pūkete kooti ko ngā mōhiohio onāianei me mua rā anō o te mana rangatira o te whenua Māori, tae atu ki ngā mōhiohio poraka me te tarahiti, ngā meneti me ngā whakatau.
Whakahaerehia ai e mātou ngā tūmomo huihuinga me ngā rangatira whenua me ngā kaiwhakamahi kooti i ia marama, ā-kanohi ki te kanohi me runga ipurangi.
Nau mai, haere mai. Ka taea e koe te whakapā mai mā tā mātou tomokanga tuihono hou, a Pātaka Whenua, mā te waea rānei, te īmēra, me te mēra.
24 Pipi 2014
Ngā karere
Speeches and Discussion
Former Judge David Ambler discusses the proposed review of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993, with the propositions in detail.
Download the PDF