Due to limited access to the building, the Auckland Information Office is available by appointment only. Please contact us by email mlctamakimakaurau@justice.govt.nz or phone 09 279 5850 to make an appointment
Whenua is part of the identity of tangata whenua. It is tūrangawaewae – the place where we come from, the place we belong to, the place where we can stand.
The Māori Land Court is New Zealand’s oldest and longest established specialist court. We are a unique institution - the only indigenous land court in the world.
The court record holds information about current and historic ownership of Māori land, including block and trust information, minutes, and orders.
We hold court sittings, paneke, outreach hui, and trustee training sessions, both kanohi ki te kanohi and online.
Nau mai, haere mai. You can contact us through our new online portal, Pātaka Whenua, or by phone, email, or post.
24 Jun 2014
Speeches and Discussion
Former Judge David Ambler discusses the proposed review of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993, with the propositions in detail.
Download the PDF