You can submit an application online through Pātaka Whenua, in person, by email, or through the post.

Before you submit an application to the Court, make sure you have had a kōrero with your whānau. Kaitiaki whenua (land guardianship) is about the collective and the wellbeing of whenua, whānau and whakapapa.
Once you have submitted your application, our kaimahi will carry out research to check the information you have provided and make sure it is correct.  We may need to contact you for further information, or to have a hui with you and your whānau.
Application fees will need to be paid before your application can be reviewed by the Court. The easiest way to pay application fees is online through Pātaka Whenua. 

Apply online 

The easiest way to apply to the Court is online through Pātaka Whenua.

Pātaka Whenua is an online portal for our court services.  You can apply from anywhere at any time, using a computer, laptop, tablet, or smart phone.

When you register in Pātaka Whenua and create a profile you can begin an application, save your progress, and come back to it later. You can also:

  • Manage and update your personal and whānau information. This will autofill in forms going forward, so you can more quickly complete applications.
  • Save the information you search for later use, including putting together whakapapa.
  • Track the progress of applications you have submitted.
  • Communicate with us online.

You can still submit and pay for your application online without registering, you just won’t be able to save it and come back to it later or track the progress of your application.

Tono tuihono Apply online

Apply to the Court online in Pātaka Whenua. 

Apply in person

Nau mai, haere mai, our kaimahi are here to support you and answer any pātai you may have.

You can visit us at any of our district offices between 10:00am and 4:00pm on a normal weekday. If you’re unable to travel to our district offices, you can make an appointment at one of paneke that we hold in smaller centres around the country, that may be closer to you.

We can help you download and complete the application form if required, but it will help us if you complete as much as you can before you arrive. If you can, please bring with you your whānau contact details and signatures, the required supporting documents, and the filing fee.

You can pay the application fees by EFTPOS or cash.

Apply by email

You can apply to the Court by emailing your application form and supporting documents to one of our district offices.  

Please include your full name and the type of application you are submitting in the subject line of the email, and ensure the application is completed in full and all supporting documents are attached.

For information on how to pay by internet banking.

Apply by post

You can apply to the Court by sending your application and supporting documents to us in the post.

You can send your application to any of our district offices, though we recommend you send your application to the district where your whenua is located.

For information on how to pay by internet banking

Can't afford the fee?

If you’re facing financial hardship, for example, you’re on a Work and Income New Zealand benefit or you’re receiving Superannuation, you can request to have the fee waived or reduced.

You can request a fee reduction, refund, or waiver when you apply online. If you’re not applying online, you can download or ask us for a PDF version of the form. In either case, we’ll ask you to provide supporting information to provide proof of your financial situation.

Your application will not be processed until request to waive/reduce/refund the fee has been approved. We will be in touch to let you know if it has been approved or not.

There is no cost to apply for a fee waiver, reduction, or refund.

Request for fee waiver, reduction or refund form

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Application fees

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