Ngā puka tono
Application forms
You can submit your application online in Pātaka Whenua. You can download and edit these PDF forms for the Māori Land Court and the Māori Appellate Court applications and email or mail them to us.
To complete an application form, you can print them out, or you can fill them in electronically on your computer or device, or through Pātaka Whenua.
Once completed, you can send us your application by email or post, or you can drop them off in person at one of our offices or paneke.
Note: some web browsers might not show macronised words or place names correctly when you're using the dropdown menus of the forms, from within your web browser. If this happens to you, it's a good idea to download the forms to your computer or device, or use the Firefox or Safari web browsers instead, as these two do not have an issue with macronised words.
If you’re not sure which application form to complete, you can find more information about different types of applications in our Whenua section. If you’re still not sure, please contact us for assistance.
Ngā puka taupānga me te puka Tarahiti Succession and Trust application forms
Form 20: Certificate by administrator Rule 10.2(3), Sections 111 or 113
(PDF 263 kb)
Form 21: Succession (grant of administration) Rule 10.2(2)(a), Sections 113 and 117
(PDF 617 kb)
Form 22: Succession (no grant of administration) Rule 10.2(1),(2), Sections 113 and 118
(PDF 392 kb)
Form 23: Application for whānau trust (with succession) Rule 12.3, Section 214
(PDF 149 kb)
Form 36: Application to constitute a whānau trust (non-succession) Rule 12.3, Section 214
(PDF 201 kb)
Form 37: Application to constitute an ahu whenua trust Rule 12.4, Section 215
(PDF 204 kb)
Form 38: Application to add, reduce, replace or remove trustees Rule 12.8, Sections 239, 240 or 239 and 338(7)
(PDF 204 kb)
Document B1: Consent to be appointed trustee Sections 220, 222 and 239
(PDF 202 kb)
Ētahi atu puka tono Other application forms
External link
Form 1: General form of application Rule 4.2(2)
(PDF 115 kb)
External link
Form 12: Application to the Chief Judge Rule 8.2, Section 45
(PDF 233 kb)
External link
Form 19: Search Rule 10.1(1)
(PDF 197 kb)
External link
Form 24: Transmission by survivorship Rule 10.11, Section 18(1)(a)
(PDF 200 kb)
External link
Form 25: Application for confirmation of alienation Rule 11.3, Section 151
(PDF 188 kb)
External link
Form 26: Exemption from special valuation Rule 11.4, Section 158
(PDF 170 kb)
External link
Form 30: Application for vesting order Rule 11.13(1), Section 164
(PDF 397 kb)
External link
Form 31: Agreement to sell or gift interests Rule 11.13(2), Section 164
(PDF 241 kb)
External link
Form 32: Application to call meeting of owners Rule 11.17, Section 173
(PDF 149 kb)
Form 33: Confirmation of resolution of assembled owners Rule 11.20, Sections 151 and 175
(PDF 167 kb)
External link
Form 35: Application to exchange order Rule 11.24, Section 310
(PDF 269 kb)
External link
Form 34: Confirmation of resolution passed at family gathering Rule 11.2, Sections 151 and 176
(PDF 172 kb)
Form 39: Application for partition Rule 13.1, Section 289 or 298
(PDF 302 kb)
External link
Form 40: Application for occupation order Rule 13.15, Section 328
(PDF 222 kb)
External link
Form 53: Application for Special Aid Rule 16.1(3), Section 98(3) or 98(9)
(PDF 192 kb)
External link
Form 98L: Application for dispute resolution Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993
(PDF 638 kb)
Ngā puka tono a te Kooti Pīra Māori Māori Appellate Court application forms
Ngā tuhinga tautoko Supporting documents
External link
Document A1: Request for fee waiver, reduction or refund Regulation 7(1)(a)
(PDF 191 kb)
External link
Form 3: Notice to accompany service of application Rule 4.15(1)(b)
(PDF 107 kb)
External link
Form 4: Notice of application Rule 4.15(2)
(PDF 157 kb)
Form 5: Notice of intention to appear upon application Rule 5.9(2)(a)
(PDF 169 kb)
External link
Form 16: Notice of proceedings Rule 9.3
(PDF 143 kb)
External link
Order Template and Checklist - Standard Whenua Tōpū Trust
(PDF 488 kb)
External link
Order Template and Checklist - Ahu Whenua Trust
(PDF 398 kb)
External link
Order Template and Checklist - Comprehensive Whānau Trust
(PDF 237 kb)

Ā mātou ture
Our rules and legislation
Read about the rules and legislation the Māori Land Court operates under.

Whakapā mai
Contact us
Contact us through our new online portal, Pātaka Whenua, or by phone, email, or post.