E rite ana te nau mai ki te whakatikatika mō te whakaeke ki te marae. Ka taea e koe te rapu mōhiohio mō te whenua me te whakapā mai mō ngā āwhina.
Ko te amorangi ki mua ko te hāpai ō ki muri Understanding how we can help you to have a positive experience
Pērā ki te marae, ko nau mai te wā ka whakahaerehia mātou i a mātou ki te kawe i ngā take tikanga. Kei te kohikohi mōhiohio ana, kei te whakarite ana i mua i tō tuku tono. Ka hiahia pea koe ki te rapu i ā mātou pūkete, te tuku uiui, te kōrero ā-kanohi mai rānei ki a mātou.
Te tuku uiui Submit enquiry online
Mēnā kei te hiahia koe ki te tuku uiui mai ka taea e koe te whakamahi a Pātaka Whenua, tā mātou tomokanga tuihono. Ka taea e koe tēnei ahakoa te wā, mā te whakamahi i tētahi rorohiko, rorohikopona, paparorohiko, waea atamai rānei.
Rapua a Pātaka Whenua Search the court record online
Ko Pātaka Whenua te tomokanga tuihono e pupuri ana i te pūkete tāhiko a Te Kooti Whenua Māori, ā, kei roto ko ngā meneti me ngā whakatau. I Pātaka Whenua ka taea e koe te rapu me te uru atu ki ngā mōhiohio mō ngā whenua Māori, te tuku uiui me te tuku tono ahakoa kei hea koe, ahakoa te wā.
Me kōrero mai kanohi ki te kanohi Talk to us in person
Mēnā he pai ake ki a koe te kōrero kanohi ki te kanohi, ka taea e koe te haere ā-tinana mai ki tētahi o ā mātou tari e iwa. Mēnā kāore e taea e koe te haere atu ki tētahi o ā mātou tari, ka taea e koe te haere ki tētahi o ā mātou paneke.