E mahi ana te Kooti Whenua Māori me te Kooti Pīra Māori i raro i te mana o te Ture Whenua Māori 1993. Ka whiriwhiria anōtia e ngā kooti e rua ētahi atu kaupapa kia mau ai i ngā whenua Māori te āhuatanga o te taonga tuku iho me te whakaata i te hono o te Māori ki te whenua.
Te Ture Whenua Māori 1993
Kei roto i te Ture Whenua Māori 1993 (te Ture) te mana whānui, me ngā whāititanga o te Kooti Whenua Māori me te Kooti Pīra Māori. E kī ana te Ture ko te whāinga a te Kooti kia mau i te Māori ngā whenua Māori, te tiaki i ngā wāhi tapu, me te āwhina i ngā rangatira whenua ki te noho i runga, te whakawhanake me te whakamahi i ō rātou whenua mō te painga o ngā rangatira whenua katoa, ō rātou whānau, me ō rātou hapū.
Our rules and regulations
The Māori Land Court Rules 2011 set out how we operate, including how we receive, review, notify, process, and conclude applications. By following these rules, we are able to ensure the accuracy of the court record and provide judges and registrars with the information they need to make informed decisions.
There are various other rules and regulations under which we operate, including:
Ētahi atu Ture
Ka whakawā mātou i ngā tono e pā ana ki ngā whenua herekore Māori i raro i ngā Ture, ōna wāhanga rānei, tae atu ki:
- Property Law Act 2007
- Family Protection Act 1955
- Government Roading Powers Act 1989
- Law Reform (Testamentary Promises) Act 1949
- Local Government Act 1074
Kei reira ētahi atu tūmomo Ture kei raro nei mātou, tae atu ki te:
I pāhitia te South Island Landless Natives Act (SILNA) i te tau 1906, ā, i whakamanatia te whakawhititanga o ngā whenua ki te Māori. E whā ngā poraka SILNA, kāore anō kia whakawhitia a Hāwea-Wānaka, Whakapoai, Port Adventure me Toitoi.
Ngā tuhinga whakahaere Practice notes
Ka tukuna ngā tuhinga whakahaere e ā mātou kaiwhakawā hei ārahi i ngā tohunga ture i roto i te hātepe me mātua whai rātou.

Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993
Kei raro te Ture Whenua Māori 1993, Ngā Ture me Ngā Waeture o te Kooti Whenua Māori i te mana ā-ture o Te Puni Kōkiri mā te Minita Whanaketanga Māori. Ko te tikanga o tērā mā Te Puni Kokiri e mātua whakarite ka whakatutukihia e te Kooti Whenua Māori te koronga me ngā kawenga o te Ture.