The Māori Land Court is conducting an inquiry into the entitled successors of the Toitoi SILNA block as part of the Ngāi Tahu Deed of Settlement.

The Māori Land Court is conducting an inquiry into the entitled successors of the Toitoi SILNA block as part of the Ngāi Tahu Deed of Settlement. To date, the Court has determined the successors of 125 original owners and are now seeking whakapapa information for the remaining owners from around 1895 who have not yet been succeeded to.

If you see any of your tīpuna listed below and know of their whakapapa lines, we would love to hear from you.

For more information about The South Island Landless Natives Act (SILNA) and the work of Te Kooti Whenua Māori and updating the lists of potential owners for the four remaining SILNA Blocks Hāwea-Wanaka, Whakapoai, Port Adventure and Toitoi, please see our SILNA page.

Contact information:
Māori Land Court – Te Waipounamu
Phone: (03) 962 4900

Outstanding Original Owners
Tame Norton Mehiria T Norton
Alice Elizabeth Norton Maud Emma Norton
Teone T Norton Tiemi Norton
Nare Norton Hana T Norton
Bertha (Pata) Norton Tame Parii Norton
Hemi Pateriki Norton Meri Norton
Maraki Norton Heni Hohipine Norton
Hae Peka Norton Taini Norton
Kataraina Pohata Hohaia Poharama
Haora Wi Poharama Haora Poharama
Tu Pitini Tukararia Ropata Morera
Taituha Pata Maukuku Hoani Riki Heperi
Wiremu Wharepa Keepa Wira Wharepa Keepa
Teira Paneta Pene Paneta
Maraea Paneta Kaurehe Paneta
Hohipene Paneta Tiki Paneta
Te Orihau Mehaka Pipi Mehaka
Oriwia Mehaka Huriwai Mehaka
Reweti Hiakai Te Uruti Whakatau
Maraea Turakiora Mere Waiwera Tuhape
Teoi Iaine Tuhape Pene Atui Tuhape
Erena Matini Tuakaha Matini
Turakiora Rawiri Tuakaha
Harata Te Whare Erina Te Whare
Hemi Te Moana-Wainui Rawinia Te Mihiroa
Ereapeti Te Aorangi Piripi Tapu
Harata Te Kahu Takurua Rangiriri