Chief Judge Fox announces the appointment of a Deputy Chief Judge and a new Judge to our Court, as confirmed by Minister for Māori Development Tama Potaka.

Tirama ana ngā whetu o te ata, ko Puanga kei runga, ko Takurua kei runga. Koia ko Matariki e tiaho iho nei. Horahia e Matariki ki te whenua, te māramatanga mo te motu e tohu ana i te tau hou. Auē te tini me te mano kua mōnehunehu i te kanohi tangata. Ngā mate o te tonga, o te raki, o te rāwhiti, o te uru, haohia i Te Kupenga o Taramainuku ki Te Waka o Rangi. Tēnei mātou ngā waihotanga e mihi poroporoaki ana e tangi apakura nei.

E aku rau rangatira mā, koutou tātou te kaupapa tangata te kaupapa kōrero, tēnā tātou e Te Kooti Whenua Māori e Te Rōpū Whakamana i te Tiriti. Kia hiwa ra, kia hiwa rā! Nōku te maringa nui kia tauākī nei te kopounga o te Kaiwhakawā Matua Tuarua me te Kaiwhakawā hōu ki tō tātou Kooti. 

E karanga atu ki tēnei uri o Ngāti Mākino, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Awa me Ngāti Maru, CRAIG COXHEAD, touti mai ki tō tūranga o te Kaiwhakawā Matua Tuarua. Haere mai rā me tō raukotahi hei hoe urungi mo te Kooti.

E karanga atu ki tēnei uri o Ngāti Porou o Ngāi Tahu hoki, NATHAN MILNER, whakaeke mai rā ki tō tira hōu, te tira Kaiwhakawā.

I am very pleased to announce the Hon Tama Potaka, Minister for Māori Development, has confirmed the appointment of a Deputy Chief Judge and the appointment of a new Judge to our Court. The Minister’s media release can be read here Judge Craig Coxhead and Nathan Milner newest Māori Land Court appointments |


I am delighted to advise that Judge Craig Coxhead has been appointed as the new Deputy Chief Judge of our Court. Judge Coxhead was appointed to the Māori Land Court in 2008 and is one of the resident judges in Waiariki, as well as a Presiding Officer in the Waitangi Tribunal, Chief Justice of the High Court of Niue and a Justice of the High Court of Cook Islands. Judge Coxhead’s 16 years of judicial service, and his extensive experience and knowledge of law and tikanga, will serve him well as he steps into his new position as Deputy Chief Judge. In addition to his current duties, he will now hear Chief Judge applications and will be supporting me in leading the Court.

Judge Coxhead will continue to sit as a resident judge in Waiariki, with time spent in Wellington Chambers where required. There will be an acknowledgement of Judge Coxhead’s appointment as Deputy Chief Judge and details will be confirmed in due course.


I am equally delighted to advise that Nathan Milner, of Ngāti Porou and Ngāi Tahu, has been appointed as a new Judge of the Māori Land Court. Judge Milner is currently a Solicitor, Senior Associate and Special Counsel at Kāhui Legal. He graduated from Victoria University with an LLB and BA in Māori and Political Science and International Relations and BA Hons (First Class) in Political Science and International Relations. Judge Milner is well-versed in the work of both the Māori Land Court and Waitangi Tribunal through his extensive work representing land owners and claimant groups in both jurisdictions, alongside his work in Treaty settlement negotiations and experience in resource management, intellectual property and Marine and Coastal Area cases. This is also a return to the Court and Tribunal for Judge Milner, who worked early in his career as a Research Counsel for the Māori Land Court and as an Assistant Registrar for the Waitangi Tribunal. 

A swearing-in ceremony for Judge Milner will be confirmed in due course and once sworn in he will be one of the resident judges for Te Tairāwhiti. 

Please join me in congratulating both judges on their appointments. I look forward to us recognising Judge Coxhead’s appointment as Deputy Chief Judge and formally welcoming Judge Milner as he begins his new journey as a part of the Māori Land Court bench.

Hei whakakapi i tēnei tauākitanga, ka mutu awau me ngā kupu o te waiata o Te Kooti Whenua Māori: Whakatutukihia ngā herenga, whītikitikiria ki te ture, kei konei ngā tūmanako, kei konei ngā wawata, ka tau te mauri o te Tipuna Whare, ka tau te Aio o te iwi e.

Dr C L Fox